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Bart Bart is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 577
Default Back from the islands

On Apr 15, 6:34 pm, wrote:
"Bart" wrote:
I'm back after spending three weeks in the Caribbean.

Welcome back

I wanted to try out an IC-24 and even brought my own
spinnaker to use with me. Unfortunately, despite multiple
emails with the Bitter End Yacht Club, the person running
their sailing program failed to provide the balance of the
equipment I'd requested--the spinnaker pole, guys and
sheets, so I didn't get a chance to try out the new deck
layout on this modified J-24.

That sucks. IS the sailing center director still the same guy as a few
years back, name starts with "G"? If so I will send him an email.

The IC-24s are fun boats. The crew weight is inboard so they don't
power up like a J-24 but they are so much easier to sail.

No this is someone different. I plan to write her and tell her
I was disappointed about the whole thing and see what she says.

I'd like to build a relationship with these people although that
may be difficult. I get the feeling job turnover is high down
So I plan to give him a call and talk about how to take the worlds
best sailing venue in a direction that is more professional.