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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 14
Default Atmospheric CO2 -- a different view

"Rich Hampel" wrote in message
ON the other hand ...........
Lets assume for the sake of argument that real non-politicallly
influenced and objective science can be the answer of whats going on;
and .........
1. The sun is producing more energy at this particular cycle (of the

big snip to make things easier to read

This is simply anti-capitalism at its finest .... its so
'political' , so politically correct, etc. that noone wants to be
called the emperor with no clothes.

So, warming is occurring, but there's discussion about the cause.

Post cause, there's an effect. There's (so far in this discussion) been an
assumption by many that the effect is 'disaster', therefore action is needed
to cool things down.

There will be change. The degree of change will be incertain. It will almost
certainly mean an increase in navigable waters (good news for sailors - lets
get back OT) and less space for landlubbers (tough if you haven't got a
boat; and tough for those who own sea level property, who will have to
depreciate their assets as the threat becomes more obvious). Hilltops may
become prime land for building. Farmers will not be 'wiped out', though
that's what will happen to those who don't adapt to growing different
crops - just part of normal economic change through bankruptcy. And so on.
Fur coats may even go out of fashion, replaced by more rainwear. Nudity may
spread (like obesity? Hmm. Hope not).

Darwinism works wonders . . . those who adapt to change will survive . . . .
people or businesses or governments.

That'll prepare us for the day when the galaxy starts to cool . . . . or a
volcanic island takes off into the stratosphere . . . . or that asteroid
smashes into the earth.

Don't resist change, go with the flow.

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