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Harry Krause
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Default OT--why the 18-29 year olds support Kerry

Doug Kanter wrote:
"jps" wrote in message

In article ,

What the difference? Bush was the one visited by the foreign dignitary.


15 YR OLD SON would realize that the correct thing to do would be to


something about the person's country, fer chrissake. What the hell's


with you, NOYB?

Using Republican doublespeak, Nobby's from the party of personal
responsibility, remember?


Right. I forgot. The foreign minister of Slovenia should've sent Bush some
sort of study guide about the country before he arrived for his visit.
"Europe for Dummies", or something like that.

He's just another of the Rationalizers for Bush. No matter how badly
Bush screws up, no matter what his lies, the RepubliBORG Rationalizers
have an excuse handy. They've convinced each other of his infallibility.