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Wilbur Hubbard Wilbur Hubbard is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,869
Default I want to post stupid things here.

"Steve Leyland" wrote in
message ...
Thom Stewart wrote:
: Well Group,
: It appears that I'm out of step with the group and since I no longer
: have a boat, the easiest solution is to bid you all a Fond Farewell.

oh thom don't be daft.
you're one of the good guys here, don't bail out just yet.

Old Thom used to be one kewl dude. But, lately,Thom's been acting like a
little crybaby. We're not good at babysitting here at asa. We're men and
hardy sailor men to boot. We take no prisoners. We never spare the lash.
As you can see, women are certainly not needed and generally not
welcome. The one woman (if you can justify stretching the definition of
"woman" to include the likes of Katysails) who does post regularly is a
netKKKop. The other netKKKop is a man who acts just like a woman. But,
they are just cyber teredo worms. Not a daunting task to keep them under

Why not invite Old Thom over to alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk
where he'll be in good company. You meow and flonker ****tards have
ruined asa for the poor old chap. He's very upset about sock puppets. He
just can't stand the very thought of a sock puppet. He's got a frenetic
phobia about sock puppets and all the ignorant socks you and your
brain-dead bunch of bloated bungholes use offend him greatly. Then, of
course, Slutness has to raise her snot-nosed snout out of the feed
trough for the first time in months and drag her morbidly obese, smelly,
fly-covered carcass in to plague the poor man even more. Have you people
no shame?

Wilbur Hubbard