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Capt. JG Capt. JG is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Who are you gonna listen to?

"katy" wrote in message
Joe wrote:
On Feb 6, 12:26 am, "Capt. JG" wrote:

"katy" wrote in message


Maxprop wrote:

"Ellen MacArthur" wrote in message

Are you gonna listen to LSD 10X popping flashback people like Capt.
JG or scientests with real
credentials? Like this guy?

Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?

By Timothy Ball
Monday, February 5, 2007

Global Warming, as we think we know it, doesn't exist. And I am not
only one trying to

monster clip

question to ask in the real world, however I firmly believe it is the
most important question to ask
if we are to advance in the right direction.


Dr. Tim Ball, Chairman of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project
(, is a
Victoria-based environmental consultant and former climatology
at the University of
Winnipeg. He can be reached at

The only thing that is absolute about global warming is that it is
some folks rich. The leaders of anti-greenhouse gas organizations, the
scientists gobbling up federal grant money for research on gw, guys
Al Gore, who write and publish books on the subject and get movies made
based upon their books, etc., are making money way faster than the
Earth's temperature is rising.

Global warming = big bucks.


All boils down to politics is big bucks...akin to what's going on in
with the mandatory inoculation of little girls with an agent that is
recently on the market and hasn't been tested by time yet. ANd then we
find that the press secretary or whatever of the governor of TX is a
former lobbyist for Merck Labs, which produces the vaccine a the cost of
hundreds per girl....politicians and science are like oil and
should be kept in separate containers...

My understanding is that parents can opt their daughters out if they
it is either morally objectionable or against their religion. So, what's
wrong with the requirement to have young girls vaccinated against a

"j" ganz - Hide quoted text -

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Nothing's wrong if it's a proven drug, whats wrong is our gov is going
to get rich with kickbacks.
Remeber that gov vaccination that cause all the kids with little arms
and legs?


\im...Joe...that was thalidomide....already been metioned...twice, I
believe...drug was supposed to stop miscarriage...sure did...

Note... read about it here... the vaccine to prevent cancer is in a
completely different league of drugs.

"j" ganz @@