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Capt. JG Capt. JG is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default OT / Firefox what a buggy mess.

"Jeff" wrote in message
. ..
I've been using Firefox on three computers for over a year and have had
few problems. I do keep IE around for a few sites that where sloppy
coding (on the sites) causes problems, but Amazon is the only major where
I have a problem on one machine. The only component of Firefox that I've
suspected of crashing is the PDF reader, but the standalone PDF reader
also crashes sometimes, so its hard to tell.

I also use Thunderbird as a newsreader, but Outlook for mail (best spam
filter going).

Ellen MacArthur wrote:
A friend said I should use Firefox because it was safer against
viruses. So I downloaded it and I
installed it. Boy was that ever a big mistake! It's slow. It's buggy. It
doesn't do half the things Internet
Explored does. It won't open anything. Animation doesn't work. It keeps
putting everything downloaded
right there on the desktop. But the very worst is it hangs up and crashes
the computer about six times a
day. So I got fed up and uninstalled it.
Second mistake. Firefox had took over as the default browser. When
it got uninstalled it forgot to put
things back the way they used to be. Hyperlinks in Outlook Express
stopped working. Error boxes with
files not found popped up on every start up. It took me most of a day
Googling and fixing. I had to hand
edit about twenty file associations. That's what got the hyperlinks
working again. Error boxes were mostly
because the registry was screwed up. I had to edit it. It made me type my
password in each account in
Outlook Express for mail and news every time I clicked send and receive.
A registry edit fixed that. I'm
becoming an expert. Google is really a life saver. So far there's no
problem it didn't have an answer for.
Take my advice stick with Internet Explorer. But don't use the new
one. IE 6 is better, It lets Hotmail
work like POP mail in Outlook Express it's even got all the different
folders right there. Internet Explorer
7 does something that makes Hotmail refuse to work in Outlook Express. If
you want tabs install MSN live
tool bar in IE 6. That way everything works again. So, after giving
Firefox the boot and IE 7 the boot life
is good again.


Well, Neal isn't too bright. What can you expect...

"j" ganz @@