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Harbin Osteen Harbin Osteen is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 54
Default Image stabilized binoculars

Hi Capt. Rob:
What is it that you don't like about the Steiner's? Is
it a paticular model, or Steiner in general.


SeeYaa Harbin Osteen KG6URO

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to the flag, to which flag do they pledge allegiance too?

"Capt. Rob" wrote in message

You can go nuts with all of the high end optics out there. But the
truth is that high quality optical manufacture has trickled down to the
low end. 150 dollar binoculars, such as the rebadged Boat US model I
bought a year ago, are at least as good as my Fujinon's (cuz that's
what they are!). As for the Steiner's....I don't like them.


Good luck,

Robert B
Beneteau 35s5