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Calif Bill Calif Bill is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 4,728
Default OT - Don't worry. Be happy

The only business that pays taxes is one not making a profit! The rest have
a business expense. An expense that is passed along to the customers. Tax
Corporations and businesses all you want, but until they can not pass the
cost alone to the customer, they will just raise prices to cover the tax.
If they can not cover the cost and not make a profit, they close the doors.
Where did you think business got the money to pay taxes?

"Chi Chi" wrote in message
. ..
4.5% is all how you work the figures to make it look like You want it to.
but even if it's true those jobs are all minimum wage with no benefits.
You know all those jobs the illegal immigrants have. Bush's buddies use to
get away with paying low wages and no benefits
"Bert Robbins" wrote in message

Chi Chi wrote:
Where is this great economy you refer to? gas at $2.50 to $3.00 a
gallon, minimum wage jobs with no benefits, deficit in the trillions of
dollars while big business pays no taxes? outsorces jobs and puts their
money in offshore accounts?

Have you checked the value of your house against its value in 2000?

Filled up for $2.19 a gallon in the DC area today, about the same price
it was a couple of years ago.

Businesses pay people, why should they pay taxes too?

If all of the jobs have been outsoured why is the unemployed down below

The terrorists are on US Soil all in washington DC in what is called
the white house. They are who and what was behind 9/11 heck they were
the people that did it.

The first two Isalmic Republics in Europe will be France and Britian.

But to me a politician is a crook no matter the party affiliation in
this country. They all lie cheat and steal to line their pockets. What
really needs to be done is our troops need to rise up against the
politicians of this once great country and take back our democracy and
restore our constitution and throw all the lawyers and politicians in
jail in a hard labor camp.

Oh, you are one of those, never mind.

" JimH" not telling you @ wrote in message
. ..
"Don White" wrote in message
Paladin wrote:
A liberal recently said I had a sour taste in my mouth after the
Not so. Just he opposite. snip..

Yes, please enjoy your "victory!" Bwahahahahhahahaha
hahahahBwahahahhahhahah hahahahhahahhahahhahahhah
ahahahahhahahahhah ahhahahhahah ahhahahahBwahahahh
ahhahahhahahahhaha hhahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahh
ahahhahahhahahahhahahahBwahahahha hhahahhahahahh
hhahahahBwah ahahhahhahahhahahahh ahahhahahhahahh
ahahahahahhahah ahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahBwahah
ahhahhahahhahah ahhahahhahahhahahh ahahahahahhaha

(Have blue water yacht - can and will travel)

What were the words to that pop song back in the '60s/'70s "They're
Coming to take Me Away'?
"And they're coming to take me away ha-haaa
They're coming to take me away ho ho hee hee ha haaa
To the funny farm
Where life is beautiful all the time
And I'll be happy to see those nice young men
In their clean white coats
And they're coming to take me away ha haaa

You thought it was a joke
And so you laughed
You laughed when I said
That losing you would make me flip my lid

Right? You know you laughed
I heard you laugh. You laughed
You laughed and laughed and then you left
But now you know I'm utterly mad"
Actually there is a lot to be said for his comments. The ball is soon
in their court. They cannot just blame but now they have to act. They
inherit a 4.4% unemployment rate, a record level stock market, low
interest rates, low inflation, an overall great economy and no
terrorist attacks on US soil since 9-11-01.

They have 2 years to walk the walk. The time of just talking the talk
is over in January 2007. ;-)