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Catherine Haight Catherine Haight is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 2
Default What I find interseting...

otnmbrd wrote:
Let me give an example which may help some understand my thoughts on RAM and
small pleasure boats.....

Take an 8' pram with a small Seagull outboard (2hp?) towing a 25' powerboat
using a bridle from cleats on either side of the stern and, say, 20' tow
Would this boat be maneuverable? Not really..... he's underpowered and with
the bridle set-up will have a problem making any but the smallest course
Is he apt to have dayshapes or lights to indicate anything such as RAM?
Highly unlikely.
You'll be lucky if he has a portable radio, but your best bet will be, to
find out from him if he considers himself RAM, his yelling at you.
If I were to be approaching him in a sailboat, would I need to see signals
or hear from him that he was RAM? No. It is my responsibility (Rule 2) to
assess the situation and realize the possibilities and act accordingly....
In this case, treat him as RAM.
I realize this is an extreme example, but these examples can run the gamut
and in Scotty's case, there's an excellent chance that there was no RAM
condition..... each case on it's own merits (since I wasn't there, I would
have to say the possibility exist).


Which just goes to show that if it looks like a duck....common sense....