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Default ( OT ) Beyond Apologies (A Coalition Of Nine Human Rights Groups)

You right winged jack ass, September 11, 2001 was done by al-Qaida... What
does that have to do with an unjust war in Iraq?

Not a freaking thing.

Yes we lost almost 3000 that day... Go to war against those that caused that
day to happen, not against the people of Iraq.

It is clear, by the name of the suposed man involved with Saturday's
travesty that al-Qaida is the enemy.

al-Qaida is the one trying to kill Americans
al-Qaida is the one killing innocent Americans
al-Qaida is the one we are at war with

America wouldn't negotiate with these criminals, America wouldn't do
anything to help save this mans life, America thought him to be expendable.

Not my America, only yours. My America would have taken the time needed to
find where this man was, then mow down the full lot of them including the
prisoners they wanted released.

My America would have brought this man home safe.

I'm not sure what America you live in, but I want nothing to do with any
America that thinks any AMERICAN is expendable.

Remember these people, as they deserve to be remembered... They have paid
the ultimate price for you to sit on your right winged ass and say they
aren't worth it.

Nick Berg from Pennsylvania.... Remember that name as you praise the people
that torture.
His mother - Suzanne
His Father - Michael
His Sister - Sarah
His Brother - David

Remember these 5 names as you praise the work of the current administration,
remember them as you open your eyes to see the failed policy, the needless

It must end, America must withdraw, the killing must come to an end.

I pity you

"John H" wrote in message
On Tue, 11 May 2004 22:31:55 GMT, wrote:

Don't forget the 3000 from 9/11. Or are they forgotten now? Or maybe that

because of Bush too? Weren't we "withdrawn" then?

Yup, it's our fault. Bull****.

Note the "rationale" for this beheading. The word "retribution" was added

by the
American media.

Yet you show no anger, except towards the American government. Freedom is

bitch, isn't it?

John H