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Gilligan Gilligan is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,049
Default Sad Sailors of ASA

"Capt. Rob" wrote in message

The jealousy is here is really sad. Of course we have those who are
pretty obvious about: Doug, Ellen-Neal, Ganzy and so on.
I have no idea why they post what they post. But here are the facts for
the sea trial.

1) Sea trial is a short sail as part of survey. Engine is run and
systems checked underway. My job is to both power and sail the boat for
the surveyor and new owners. The boat is now SOLD.

2) Wind conditions were between 12 and 16 knots with stronger winds
near Big Tom at City Island. Gusts are common there, just as they are
between Hart Island and Manhasset at times.

3) I had no trouble trimming the sails. Ganzy must know some pretty
awful instructors. The H43 is big & heavy and her sail-plan is easily
managed. As Thom noted, the boat is in the groove. I've sailed this
EXACT model in 20 knots steady brought back from Coney's and she was
easy to handle then as well.

4) I had this boat available for sale over the winter and the website
is now coming down. I have removed it from Yachtworld and our broker

5) Yes, I was out sailing yesterday while you were posting. I was also
out sailing all afternoon on a J29 today and will probably be sailing
Heart of Gold tomorrow evening.

So, so, so VERY sorry this all upsets you so! But why?

Get over it. I sail while the rest of you post on ASA. And when I do
post here it's with actual photos of sailing on my boat and others.
Poor sods actually wimper about someone elses opinion I don't own, wind
conditions not reflected by sea state and worse! Aren't you all even
the least bit ashamed?
Most of you are pretty pathetic....seriously so! And those are the



I put 275 miles on my bike last week in the Rocky Mountains. I hope to be
swimming several miles a week this winter. How thick are the callouses on
your butt?

Your are but a sad, sad physical specimen.