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*Anarcissie* *Anarcissie* is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 5
Default Trolls Coming To Your Neighborhood Soon

*Anarcissie* wrote:
Article with photos:

Mexicans are 3rd world sub-human trash. They spray graffiti like
"primitive tribes who are marking their territory". And this is the
filth Bush is allowing into the USA? Unbelievable.

Mexicans use graffiti the way dogs use ****, to mark a visit. But the
dog **** soon evaporates and the greasers have more brats!


Mejor poder comprendar.

No hay nada aquí que comprender.
¿Cómo se dice "troll" en Español?

I think the serious point is that we must be consious of living in a
hemisphere. The main issue is the economic one. Why in the space of a
few kms does the price of labor get divided by a factor of 3.

BTW - With Moore's law, at 8MHz Mexicans will simply teleport anyway.

You average Mexican is a hard worker, but I don't
see too many that will run at _that_ speed. Newer