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sherwindu sherwindu is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 187
Default Gasoline prices - another record high

The profiteers do not need much of an excuse to raise oil prices. I think we
take all the oil executives and line them up against a wall and shoot them.
recently opened up a significant pipeline through Turkey to help deliver oil to
West, but did we see oil prices go down? It's a one way street for these oil
companies. There is plenty of oil available, but they try their hardest to
convince us
it is in short supply. It's amazing to me that we Americans put up with this
kind of
nonsense. We can't expect any government action, while we have a Texan
with big interests in the oil business.

Sherwin D.

NOYB wrote:

But none of this has anything to do with that awful subject...politics.


If you watch CNBC, you'll learn that oil prices are directly proportional to
the number of Israeli soldiers taken hostage by radical Islamists.

Today's headline:
"Oil Prices fall on rumors Israeli soldiers have been released" (CNBC)