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Scotty Scotty is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 2,070
Default Composite Propane tank anyone?

"Larry" wrote

Wouldn't it be prudent to wait for a while to see how many

explode into
shards of fiberglass and the ensuing explosion before

rushing out to buy
one from "some guy on Ebay"?

There might be a REASON Suburban Propane isn't selling


I kinda like to sleep next to that big steel tank on the

other side of the
FLAMMABLE plastic bulkhead, myself. I don't think I'd

sleep well next to a
propane bomb you can SEE THROUGH!

yeah! and these fancy new boats they're making outa this
space age material called fiber glass, why you can see
right through the hull. I wouldn't trust one of those
neither. Give me solid wood any day, ya just can't beat it.