Thread: Knots?
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Bryan Bryan is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 141
Default Knots?

"D Parker" . wrote in message
The bowline is the best knot for making a strong loop.

The sheet bend is a great knot to join ropes though it can shake loose.
Two bowlines are good also but you have to watch for chafe on the inside
of the loops.

The anchor buddy on the other hand looks like anyone could make it up in
their garden shed. Why did you bother paying money for that?


I don't have a garden shed! Hell I don't even have a screwdriver, tape
measure, or hammer that my wife and kids haven't lost.

The snap hooks attached at each end add up to $16 before even buying bungee
let alone driving around consuming gas dollars gathering the parts.

I don't have a problem spending money that I earn on toys that I want.

You could even ask why I need the bungee in the first place; is it really
that bad getting my knees wet to get out to my boat?

I like the bowline; I'll have to keep an eye on chafing.