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Default HELP! Stain on seats!!

"SARAH" wrote in message
Hello to all and happy boating season!! I am in need of some HELP!!
Last fall we cleaned the boat out as always (last 4 years) and we took
it out of storage this spring to find STAINS on the front seats!! I
can't get them out, I tried a bit of bleach but scared myself as I
don't want to ruin the vinyl, I have gotten vinyl cleaner, I have tried
a stain remover for fabrics and also a stain remover that is to remove
any type of sticky stuff (tho the stains are NOT sticky). It almost
looks as tho its mud stains, its gray in color (my seats are white) and
there is not a patteren to them. HELP please, we are to take some
friends out on the last in the next three weeks. I can't have stains on
the seats. That gives us time to get all cleaned out and taken up to
dock where we boat at. I have come to a stand still on cleaning the
rest of the boat as these stains are driving me crazy HELP PLEASE!!

Thanks Sarah

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Certain stains may become permanently set unless they are removed
immediately. Procedures for the removal of the more severe staining agents
are outlined below.
a.. Ballpoint Ink, Permanent Marker: Ink spots will stain vinyl
permanently. Immediate wiping with rubbing alcohol in a well ventilated area
will remove much of the stain. Use Yacht Brite Serious Marine Cleaner®.
Spray on stain, let set for 30 seconds, wipe dry with Yacht Brite Microfiber
Towel®. Repeat if necessary.
b.. Oil-Based Paint: The use of turpentine in a well ventilated area will
remove any fresh paint. Dried paint must be moistened carefully with a
semi-solid gel-type stripper so that the softened paint can be gently
scraped away. Rinse with soap and water. Caution: Direct contact with paint
strippers will remove the print pattern from a vinyl. Paint strippers are
very corrosive. Take care to avoid skin contact by wearing protection.
c.. Latex Paint: Fresh paint can be wiped off with a damp cloth. Hot soapy
water will normally remove dried latex. Use Yacht Brite Serious Marine
Cleaner®. Spray on stain, let stand for 10 seconds, wipe off with terry
cloth or Yacht Brite Microfiber Towel®.
d.. Tar, Asphalt: Remove immediately, as prolonged contact will result in
a permanent stain. First spray Yacht Brite Serious Shine®, let set for 20
seconds, remove tar or asphalt. Use a cloth lightly dampened with mineral
sprits and rub the stain gently, working from the outer edge of the stain
toward the center in order to prevent spreading. Rinse with soap and water.
e.. Crayon, Mustard, Ketchup: Sponge with mild soap and water. For
stubborn stains that may have set, use a cloth soaked in diluted Yacht Brite
Serious Marine Cleaner® and rub gently. Any remaining stain should be washed
with diluted bleach. Rinse repeatedly with clear, cold water.
f.. Chewing Gum: Scrape off as much as possible with a dull knife. Rubbing
with an ice cube will make it easier to remove when scraping. The remaining
gum should then be removed by using Yacht Brite Serious Shine®. Spray on,
let set for 10 to 20 seconds, wipe of with soft cloth or Yacht Brite
Microfiber towel®.
g.. Lipstick, Grease, Oil, Eye Shadow, Shoe Polish: Spray on Yacht Brite
Serious Marine Cleaner®, let set 10 to 20 seconds, wipe clean with terry
cloth or Yacht Brite Microfiber towel®. Apply a small quantity of mineral
spirits by means of a cloth with gentle rubbing. Take care not to spread the
stain by smearing it beyond its original source. No time should be lost in
removing shoe polish, because it contains a dye that will cause permanent
staining. Rinse thoroughly with water.
h.. Candy, Ice Cream, Coffee, Tea, Fruit Stains, Liquor, Wine, Suntan
Lotion, and Soft Drinks: Use Yacht Brite Serious Marine Cleaner®. Spray onto
affected area or on a Yacht Brite Microfiber towel®, let sit 10 to 20
seconds, wipe clean, rinse with water, dry with a soft cloth or Yacht Brite
Microfiber towel®. Any loose material should be gently scraped with a dull
i.. Blood, Leaf Residue: Rub out any spots with a clean cloth soaked in
cool water. If stubborn spots remain, use Yacht Brite Serious Marine
Cleaner®. Spray on affected area, let sit for 10 to 30 seconds. Wipe clean
with terry cloth or Yacht Brite Microfiber cloth®.
j.. Bird Excreta & Nausea Stains: Sponge the area with soapy water
containing diluted bleach until the stain is removed. Rinse thoroughly with
water. For stubborn stains spray Yacht Brite Serious Marine Cleaner®, let
sit for 10 to 20 seconds. Wipe with terry cloth or Yacht Brite Microfiber
k.. Urine Stains: Sponge with Yacht Brite Serious Marine Cleaner®. Spray
and wipe dry with terry cloth or Yacht Brite Microfiber towel®. Rinse
thoroughly with clean water. If stain still persists sponge stain with warm
water and Yacht Brite Moldaway® (use as directed on package).
l.. Surface Mildew: Use Yacht Brite Moldaway®. Mix the Moldaway powder
with warm water (as directed), sponge into affected area, and rinse with
water. Repeat if necessary.
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These products looks like they may work based on the advice in the article