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Default One for the not so swift among us-

"thunder" wrote in message
On Sat, 27 May 2006 12:51:33 -0400, P. Fritz wrote:

It is comical how the Global Warming Alarmists react. Anyone that
believe in the creed is "in denial" or has been bought by the "evil
corporate conspiracy" Have you noticed at almost every alarmist has
socialist leanings, some even wish to eliminate humans from the earth,
they also have short memories........forgetting the "coming ice age"
doomsday predictions of the 70's.

And the difference between a "Global Warming Alarmist" and you, would be?
"socialist leanings", "eliminate humans", yup, I can see you are open to
the possibility that this planet could be warming. Scientists, who have
spent their entire careers studying this issue, have come down on both
sides, but the general body of science believes the planet is warming.
The only real debate is it natural, or man made.

I'll bet you $11.39 that I can make this Fritz unit go off on a tangent that
100% predictable. Say when.