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P. Fritz
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Default One for the not so swift among us-

"Jack Goff" wrote in message
On Sat, 27 May 2006 14:00:02 GMT, "JoeSpareBedroom"

"Jack Goff" wrote in message
. ..

Global warming alarmists are no different than religous fanatics.
in reality, just another brand)

You must believe in their particular brand or you are a heritic.
Anything out of the ordinary that happens has roots in their

There is the constant proclamations of the "end of day"
Those that express their disbelief are shouted down

etc. etc.

If it were found to be true (the connection between warming and human
activity), how would you then decide which scientist hadn't been a

You may be missing the point. It's not that most people don't
acknowledge some type of connection between warming and human
activity. Rather, it's whether or not human activity plays a
*significant* role in the equation, and if anything we might do could
make any measurable difference whatsoever.


I'm not missing the point. If you acknowledge the connection, then
logically, you must stop calling any scientist a political fanatic.

I didn't call anyone a fanatic. That was someone else.

However, whether or not there's a connection has little to do with a
scientist being a political fanatic. Being correct on a single theory
does not preclude one from being a fanatic.

It is comical how the Global Warming Alarmists react. Anyone that doesn't
believe in the creed is "in denial" or has been bought by the "evil
corporate conspiracy" Have you noticed at almost every alarmist has
socialist leanings, some even wish to eliminate humans from the earth,
they also have short memories........forgetting the "coming ice age"
doomsday predictions of the 70's.