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Skip Gundlach
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Default Peggie - head feed/supply question

Quite right - pragmatic, frugal and fact oriented.

I'm grateful for your link, as I spent a great deal of time trying to
find stuff which would work at anything approaching your pricing in
prior posts, and eventually gave up.

My PHII (with the same sort of plastic clamps and intake pipe as you
describe for the intake side) head outflow is S40 PVC rigid, with head
connector of AVS96, slip joint at the Y valve from hard pipe to Y
(where the gap will be very small - butted up to each other), and
outflow valve of AVS96 connector, again, to the head leg of the Y. I
was very gratified to find that with a heat gun, it was very soft and
flexible and allowed me to make rather harder turns than otherwise.
I'm guessing your 090 Spiralite would be the same way.

So, meanwhile, they're in CA and I'm in FL; shipping will be
interesting, plus, I can't see on my first tour of the site whether
they sell cut lengths. I'm pretty sure I don't need 100' of either the
3/4 or whatever the intake is, nor the 1.25 or so that the bilge out
is, and would be a bit challenged to store that much excess.

How much is the bilge size hose? The head intake hose is similar in
cost to the inferior stuff...

And, the stuff for which I'd use this isn't below the waterline in
function, other than its physical location. I don't count something
being pumped up over the waterline as being below it :{))

And, thanks for remembering my boat buying posts - that's over 2 years
ago, now...

And thanks again for the link - how say you on the other questions
about them?



Morgan 461 #2
SV Flying Pig KI4MPC - NOTE:new URL! The vessel as Tehamana, as we
bought her

"Believe me, my young friend, there is *nothing*-absolutely
nothing-half so much worth doing as simply messing,
messing-about-in-boats; messing about in boats-or *with* boats.
In or out of 'em, it doesn't matter. Nothing seems really to matter,
that's the charm of it.
Whether you get away, or whether you don't; whether you arrive at your
destination or whether you reach somewhere else, or whether you never
get anywhere at all, you're always busy, and you never do anything in
particular; and when you've done it there's always something else to
do, and you can do it if you like, but you'd much better not."