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Bart Senior
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Default Tall Ship Question: What is an idler?

Correct. An idler is someone who does not stand a watch.

Idlers are carpenters, cooks, etc, as you stated.

They are also responsible for swapping the decks in the
morning and the ritual of holystoning the decks.

"DSK" wrote

Bart Senior wrote:
What is an idler aboard a tall ship?

I've heard the term applied to people other than the captain who do not
stand regular watches... the cook for example, or the purser.

What is the chief charcteristic of an idler?

He has something else to do that is important to the functioning of the

Name some typical roles of an idler.

It used to be that Chief Engineers didn't stand watch but I think they do
nowadays. In the old days, the carpenter didn't stand watch.

Fresh Breezes- Doug King