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Default Mother Teresa - A Bad Catholic?

"Bob Crantz" wrote in message
Oh oh!

Hey Maxprop it's getting worse:

One of Mother Teresa's volunteers in Calcutta described her "Home for the
Dying" as resembling photos of concentration camps such as Belsen.

That would be Bergen-Belsen.

No chairs, just stretcher beds. Virtually no medical care or painkillers
beyond aspirin,

Yeah, like she had the funds to turn the place into the Mayo Clinic.

and a refusal to take a 15-year-old boy to a hospital. Hitchens adds,
"Bear in mind that Mother Teresa's global income is more than enough to
outfit several first class clinics in Bengal.

Highly unlikely. Her detractor is no doubt referring to her family's
wealth, not funds to which MT had access. This critic sounds a lot like

The decision not to do so... is a deliberate one. The point is not the
honest relief of suffering, but the promulgation of a cult based on death
and suffering and subjection."

Sounds like really sour grapes to moi. You seem willing to pillory Mother
Teresa, but you make no comment about her detractor. Suspicious.

Then Hitchens notes that Mother Teresa "has checked into some of the
finest and costliest clinics and hospitals in the West during her bouts
with heart trouble and old age."

More sour grapes, and unsubstantiated hearsay. Sorry, but I'm not changing
my mind about her based on the venom of a disgruntled co-workers. Just
about anyone can sound horrendous if described by a detractor taking
information out of context. Likewise, Jeffrey Dahmer could have been
Citizen of the Year if properly portrayed.
