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John Gaquin
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Default Happy Tax Freedom Day!!

Sloan and Newsweek are still pushing their vendetta.....

Newsweek Misses Tax Freedom Day
Jay Bryant

April 11, 2004

In a Saturday editorial, the Washington Times skewered Newsweek pretty good
for the latter's "Dirty Little Secret of the Tax Cut" cover story.

But since Saturday papers are the least well read, and you probably don't
get the Times anyway, you probably didn't see it.

So let me summarize. Newsweek identified three families, one of which made
$32,400 in 2003, the second $73,411 and the third $194,000. Each of the
three was quoted, bitching about how they hadn't gotten anything out of the
Bush tax cuts. But the Times analysis shows that the single-income-mom low
income family actually benefited $1,000, or 45% from the cuts, while the
middle income folks saved $2,800 (44%) and the high income earners, who told
Newsweek all the tax cut benefits must have gone to the "major corporations
who are downsizing and outsourcing," received at least $6,899 in Bush tax


In 2004, Tax Freedom Day is today, April 11, Easter Sunday. If you're the
average American, every dollar you've earned so far this year goes to pay
your taxes. Starting Monday, you can keep what you earn. And you know
what? Tax Freedom Day, 2004, is the earliest it has been since 1967.

Nineteen Freaking Sixty Seven! .....


Tax Freedom Day was on April 10. Since then, it's bounced around the last
half of April, topping out on May 2 in 2000. Since then, the Bush cuts have
pushed it back each year..........In spite of the unprecedented disruption
caused by 9/11, the recession that started after Clinton's Tax Freedom Day
peak didn't last long. Did the massive Bush tax cuts have anything to do
with cutting it off? It sure looks like it.

Note too, that Tax Freedom Day also considers state and local taxes. The
Democrats have been running around claiming that because Bush cut Federal
taxes, responsible state and local leaders had to raise the rates. Wrong-o,

But that kind of stuff is the brand spanking clean little secret of the tax
cut, so it doesn't make Newsweek, even though it is much bigger news, one
would think than the blather writer Allan Sloan fills his article with.

But it's not the article so much as what the Newsweek editors did with it
that really stinks. The three families (Where do they find these people?
What are their politics?) all were quoted with disparaging comments about
the tax cuts. These sidebars, with photos and dramatic graphics, will be
vastly more well read than Sloan's text - even though, as the Times
analysis shows, the spokesfolks don't know what they're talking about...


Then there's the matter of Newsweek's cover. The cover, with its Form 1040
graphic and screaming headline will be read by millions of passersby who
never bother to pick up the magazine and read the article, much less read a
critical newspaper editorial, or, for that matter, an Internet columnist.

Those magazine covers are like having Vote for Kerry signs in every
supermarket, drug store, airport bookshop and street corner newsstand in
America. And it's all completely unregulated by the McCain-Feingold Act.

The national news media, Newsweek most assuredly included, is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Democratic party, and has been since way back when Tax
Freedom Day was even earlier than it is now.

This year, the grand strategy of the Left is to take each and every one of
Bush's strong points (his reaction to 9/11, his tax cuts) and tarnish them.

To fight back, Bush needs to take things like the Tax Freedom Day
announcement and paste it over the cover of each and every Newsweek in
America. Cause it's working, folks, no matter what the magazine's
uninformed spokespeople say.

Full article available at:
