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Default Yo yo yo - RCE...

"thunder" wrote in message
On Mon, 13 Mar 2006 00:42:40 +0000, Dan Krueger wrote:

That should be interesting since there are so many people adding GPS and
satellite radio receivers to their car's windshields. I guess my state
not one of them since they sell windshield mounted transceivers for the
toll system.

Now that you mentioned it, they do here also. To be honest, I don't know
of anyone who has been ticketed for "impaired vision". I only mentioned
it, as I was pulled over this week. The cop saw my radar detector
attached to the windshield and said doing so was illegal. He also
mentioned anything hanging from a rear-view mirror was also illegal.
"Impaired Vision", he called it. Hell, who knew? Thankfully, he didn't
write any tickets.

Cops never complain about my eye patch. Arrrrgghh.