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Default Block Island RI - OLD Harbor

I understand that the Block Island Harbormaster and the Harbors
Committee are creating a proposal to make sweeping changes to Block
Island's Old Harbor.

These changes will affect everyone that enters the harbor by private
boat and I believe they will not be good for the island nor its

Here is a list of what I believe are in the plans:

1. Complete elimination of all anchoring in Old Harbor - including
the "outer basin"

2.Installation of docks that extend nearly the full length of both
jetties; proposed slip fees: $4.00/ft/night, total number of new slips:

3. Restrictions on rafting of boats to a two boat maximum

4. Probable changes to existing moorings

5.Rebuilding of the docks in the "inner basin," reducing rafting
even in the inner basin, to possibly as few as two boats.

I want to go on record saying that in my opinion most of these
proposals are a very bad idea both for the public as well as the
island. These proposals would change the unique character of Old Harbor
forever. And not for the good of the island either. It would remove
free public access and overdevelops an area used by tourists each

This would also keep boaters from being able to use the harbor as a
free "safe haven" in a storm as it was originally and historically
intended to be used.

This plan will not help your tourism - it will hurt it.

I plan on sending this letter to everyone I know who is involved in
boating in Rhode Island. I will also publicize this outrageous and near
sighted plan at local salt water fishing clubs meetings, fishing &
boating magazines, boat shows and fishing shows that are to be held in
the Rhode Island area such as the Providence Convention center.

I am sure very few who will hear about these plans will react favorably
to them. I hope you all will come to your senses and cancel these plans
so we can all continue to visit your beautiful island as we always

Maury LaPrade

Point Judith