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Default JA Henckels Knives

JimH wrote:
As a surprise gift for my wife I am considering upgrading our kitchen knives
to heirloom quality knives and cannot find anything to match the quality of
the JA Henckels knives, specifically the 'Pro S' series. They are
definitely not cheap but come with a lifetime warranty and I have yet to
read anything negative about them.

Has anyone had any experience with these knives?

My wife and I have a set, they're great. You MUST know how to properly
sharpen them, and keep them sharp. So, here we have a La Cordon Bleu
College of Culinary Arts. You can go eat first rate grub for not much
$$, so I like to go there once in awhile. While there, I found an
instructor/chef and asked him what it would cost to sit in on a
beginning class to learn to properly care and sharpen knives. That
wasn't possible, but he did bring me out all of the instructional