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Default West Marine is Terrible

I wanted an outboard they were to have on sale in a couple of days and they
wouldn't give me the sale price either. I bought it anyway and, since I
would be out on the boat, had my daughter go in when the sale started and
get the difference refunded through their price guarantee.

"Gordon Wedman" wrote in message

"Wayne.B" wrote in message
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 17:44:05 -0500, nobody wrote:

I just think that West Marine is really a lousy

Not fair in my opinion. It's true that their prices are rarely
competetive, but for small stuff the convenience of having one 5
minutes away is nice. I also find that their service and return
policies are excellent. Several times they have helped me get
warranty service on items I no longer had the receipts for.

Several of the local employees have told me that they also offer
excellent benefits, even to the part timers, so they are not exactly a
Wal Mart in that respect.

For big ticket items it pays to shop around and order from out of
state. I've had good luck with both Defender in CT and Pyacht in MD.

Some of their prices are pretty crazy. I needed two simple hook latches
to hold swinging doors shut. Local independent chandler had only 1 at $5.
Went to another chandler and he wanted $8 so I thought I'd go up to West
Marine to check on their price.
$13 !!
I said to the store manager "Making a hook latch is not rocket science.
How can you charge twice as much as anyone else?" He just shrugged.

Another time a friend wanted to buy a large fender at an advertised sale
price but they would not sell at that price because the sale was 3 days
away. He went to the local independent and got the exact same fender for
less than the advertised sale price. At first he was mad at them but then
decided they did him a favour.

They are pretty good on warranties though and if you get the West Marine
Advantage card you'll get some money back in the mail.

They will also match other people's prices by word-of-mouth on smaller
items and by show of written price on more expensive things but they're
not the first place I go to.