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Default Catalina 470 vs. Tayana Vancouver 460

Rich Hampel wrote:
Mr. Neil must have some 'very strange biases' as probably more
Tayanas have successfully circumnavigated than probably from any
other semi-custom manufacturer ('cept Valiant).

I have a Tayana, can attest that the metalurgy of the older boats is
not always up to par; but, the designs and FRG construction is quite
good for that 'era' of hand-laid construction. Tayanas are very
'honest' boats; certainly not the 'best' but are indeed well made
overall. In that respect they certainly give the best 'value'.

Preferentially for me the 460 looks more like a pregnant football than
a proper seagoing boat .... WINDAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would take an
extension ladder to ever get back on board if you ever fell
overboard!!!! To me this is a design targeted for 'luxury' than
'sailing'. Perhaps you should investigate the Robert Perry , Robb Ladd
designs and the other Harris designs also offered by Tayana. Geeze
whats wrong with the 42, the 48, the 48DS or the 52 .... these are
'proven' world cruisers. Dont simply
be led by 'accomodations' and 'floor plan' to be the ruling criteria
for an ocean going boat .... unless your chief objective is 'dockside
entertaining' and status symbolism.

Are you suggesting that the 460 is unsafe or just doesn't sail well ?

If it's the latter then it doesn't mean much to me. I would rather
have 3 staterooms plus a salon and a pilothouse than be able to go
a few knots faster.