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K. Smith
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Default Ha! Ha! Ha! Dumborat Morans! You Are Doomded!

Sod off Harry the only person you ever fool is yourself & that's
because you're just a lying fool!!!


MadDogDave wrote:
Well, now the election season has begun in dead ernest and at last our
Great President has taken the boxing gloves off and started swinging.

And already people are talking about his great campaign commercial,
which is unfair to those of us who wanted to have a discussion about
September 11 without bringing up George W. sitting motionless at a
school reading to children until he jumped up to run and hide. Which he
did not want to panic those children, and anyway he was not running
because he was afraid but only to be safe. And anyway, people have
forgot about him lying about Air Force One being a target, which was not
a lie but a miss statement, so do not bring that up again! Gee wiz!

You would think the victims and the firemen would be proud of Our Great
President using such a divine moment in his ad instead of saying ugly
things like "molesting the dead" or "grave robbing." But then some
people are never satisfied and always want more. They should be
satisfied with great leadership and not ask who knew what and when, or
why someone was on vacation for a whole month, or why nothing was done
about terrorism between the inaugeration and 9/11, or why Concertina
Rice will not testify, or when subpeenas are going to be issued, or
other trivial matters.

And yes, he did not use real firemen in the ad, but that was to create
jobs. Now some actors have been paid to pretend to be firefighters who
support Bush, just as if there were really ones. And Dennis Miller is
also hiring people to sit in his audience and pretend to laugh at his
hilarious conservative jokes. So who says there are no jobs under the
Bush economic miracle, accept for the economists, and what do they know?

Speaking of hilarious, who did not get a chuckle when they heard John F.
Karey had the nerve to call Republicans the most crooked lying group he
has ever seen. Really! Imagine calling Our Great President a crook and a

Yes, George W. has been arrested and convicted and yes, he made millions
while his businesses went bankrupt and yes, he said there were weapons
of mass distraction in Iraq and there do not seem to be any, but those
are all blood under the sand, as far as I am concerned. And you cannot
prove any sort of payoff from Halliburton so do not even try to look.
Really. Do not even try.

I think John F. Karey owes an apology, not just to honest hard-working
Republicans like me, but honest non-crooked people like Dick Cheney, who
you cannot prove got the energy task force case fixed when he went duck
hunting at the private lodge of an oil millionaire with Judge Scalia.

And he owes an apology to Ken Lay, who has not got indicted and that is
as good as being honest. And he owes an apology to Tom Delay, who is
sinnonimous with honesty and fair play, even if you cannot prove those
rumors about his daughter, the lobbyists and the hot tub.

What shocking disrespect for the office of the president John F. Karey
shows! Back when Dan Burton said Slick Willy was a scumbag and Trent
Lott said Klintoon was a rapist and Jim Hansen said he should be
assassinated and Jesse Helms said Clinton "better watch out," it was all
said with respect.

Even Mrs. Brown Rosenfeld, who is such a LIEberal extremist that she
supports public schools and wants health care for everyone, was outraged
when she heard me explain what John F. Karey had said and how I wanted
to respond, and she even donated a sheet so I could paint my sign. And
she had her son get a tractor and drag my trailer up to the front of the
lot so people driving by would see it.

So now everybody driving by the DaisyView trailer park can see my
trailer with a big sign on it that says "George W. Bush: Crooked Liar!
Who is Not Outraged!" The Democrats are doomded when Mrs. Brown
Rosenfeld endorses messages like mine.

And from the number of people who honk their horns or give a big thumbs
up as they drive by, it is clear Our Great President will continue to
have smooth sailing like he has so far, if you do not count all the

And who is not proud of the way the Republican party is moving like a
oily machine? Just last week, they all switched their votes from yes to
no at the drop of a hat when the Natural Rifle Association told them to.
They were trying to protect freedom and liberty by keeping crime victims
and frivolous parties like Chicago from suing the gun industry. But when
it appeared a fanatic band of Moderates and Liberals were going to add
background checks at gun shows and other wild-eyed schemes, they moved
in unicycle, like wild geese in flight or precision machinery, and voted
down their own bill.

Now fresh from that triumph, the Republicans are going to reclassify
jobs at fast food restaurants as manufacturing jobs, which will not make
more of them or make them pay better but will seem like good news and
make everybody who does not know any better more upbeat. And the GOP has
introduced a bill to keep people from suing fast food manufacturers like
McDonnells. Now when Ronald McDonnell sends them an email telling them
to vote the bill down, the entire country will be impressed again!

The Demoncrats can not match that and will not even try. And that is why
I think some people are going to be mighty surprised on election day,
and not just because there will be trouble at the polls in Florida (and
you will not be able to prove Jeb had anything to do with it, no matter
how it looks). Amen!