Thread: Hi! I'm back!
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Default Hi! I'm back!

The house is still there...for now....we're just toying with retirement and
looking at a bunch of possibilities and I am exceedingly tired of winters in
MI. We had Chanteuse trucked down here...used American Boat Transport which
I will recommend to anyone needing a boat shipped. They were reasonable, on
time, and the boat arrived intact. The boat yard we launched from had an
inexperienced kid, though, who thought boats drive like cars and he ended up
smashing one stanchion and bending another..they are t a welding shop
getting fixed..all in all a small thing considering...fortunately, I was on
the boat and immediately gave him a katy earful about how to back a fin keel

"ladysailor" wrote in message
Wow Katy, that's some news! Congrats and welcome to life on a boat.
What did you do with your house? Did you truck Chanteuse all the way
down there or get some sailing in on the way?
