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Default What Makes a Political Liberal

"Gould 0738" wrote in message
Unions may have had a place in society at one time, but they are not
counterproductive. All they do is breed nepotism and interfere with free
competition. How is it that someone who moves boxes around on a dock can
make as much as I make with two degrees and state licensure as a
Engineer? Granted, cost of living has some factor, but explain to me how
the two jobs are of equal worth. Unskilled labor vs. technical and legal

Huh? What happened to

competition. ?

If the box movers can convince society that their services are worth more than
Forensic Engineers, more power to them.
Naturally, jealous Forensic Engineers will disagree.

By the way, some of those guys "moving boxes" (longshore work is far more
technical and dangerous than that, btw) probably have more education than many
engineers. Some of them used to have white collar jobs, before "free
competition" prevailed and the guys working for $2/hour US in Russia or India
won the engineering and accounting jobs.

Where I live, you can't do random drug testing at the fire dept. because the
union won't allow it. Some stoned jackass is going to kill somebody one of
these days as a direct result of union policy.

When that happens, the jackass and his two immediate supervisors should be
fired- or maybe jailed. You can't sit around the firehouse and get stoned
without somebody knowing about it. You might find it surprising, but pee tests
are almost TOTALLY defeatable. There's an OTC product called "Clean Pee" that
works almost 100 percent of the time. (It's probably even sold in drug stores
that require their new hires to take a pee test). For $10 bucks, a clean and
sober buddy will pee in the cup for you, or pee into a test tube you cap and
take into the restroom. Why would this be news to a guy working in forensics?

Why do unions cry every time
someone wants to put a job out for competitive bid? Because they can't
compete. They are a burden to society, and anyone who is in a union is
supporting the ideals, making them leftist by association.

Who hires Forensic Engineers? Sounds like a civil service job to me. If so,
good thing *you* are required to submit a competitive bid every time an
opportunity to ply your trade arises. That should keep your income suitably
suppressed. We wouldn't want some government agency to guarantee you a certain
annual income and benefits (all at taxpayers expense) along with some measure
of protection against unjust or politically motivated firing... those things
might discourage free competition for *your* job, and make you a leftist by

Seen on a bumper sticker: "Unions, The people who brought you the weekend."

I have yet to see a lib who is anti union. Coincidence?

So exactly why are you such a strong union supporter Chuck? Because you are a lib?

And just how have the unions improved the lives of workers in the 21st century?

Why should all union workers get the same pay increases despite their contributions to
the company? Why should slackers get the same as the go-getters?

What do the unions do with all those dues that members blindly pay every week?

Just a few of my questions. Take you time in answering them.