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Default Bush shows his ignorance yet again

On Thu, 04 Mar 2004 19:06:51 -0500, Jim-- wrote:

I can name many democracies overthrown from the right. Name *one*
overthrown from the left.

Attempted and successful government takeovers by the left:

1923: Spain

Fascists are not leftists.

1926: Italy

Fascists are not leftists.

1926: Poland

Poland wasn't much of a democracy, at the time, but Pilsudski was a
leftist, so I'll give you this one.

1933: Germany

Fascists are not leftists.

1933: Uruguay

Nope, Terra was to the right.

1933: Austria

Fascists are not leftists.

1934: Estonia

Maybe, or maybe the result of outside influences.

1934: Latvia

Ulmanis was neither left nor right.

1935: Ecuador

Nope, not a democracy at the time.

1936: Greece

Not a democracy, and Metaxas was on the right.

1936: Spain

Franco, a leftist?

1938: Czechoslovakia


1940: Belgium, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Norway


1943: Argentina

Peron was part fascist, part populist, but he killed far too many leftists
to be considered one.

1947: Ecuador

Nope, not a democracy at the time.

1948: Venezuela

Nope, a right wing coup.

1948: Czechoslovakia

Nope, there was no overthrow. The communists actually won the 1946

1962: Burma

Bingo, Ne Win was a Marxist.

1963: Ecuador

Nope, not a democracy at the time.

1966: Argentina

Nope, a right wing coup

1964: Brazil

Nope, right wing coup.

1967: Greece

Papadopoulos, a leftist?

1968: Peru

One of more than half a dozen coups, and this junta restored democracy.
Still, Velasco would be considered leftist.

1972: Ecuador

Nope, just one of many coups.

1972: Philippines

Marcos was no leftist.

1973: Uruguay

Nope, right wing coup.

1973: Chile

Yup, those lefties at the CIA overthrow a democratically elected Allende.
You have really got to be kidding.

1975: India

What, did Indira overthrow herself?

1976: Argentina

Nope, a right wing coup.

1987: Zimbabwe

Nope, Mugabe was elected. He may never leave office, but he was elected.

1999: Pakistan

Nope, military coup and not leftist.

Will that do?

Thanks, I count two, maybe three. Up until today I didn't know that there
were any.