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Terry Spragg
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Default ( OT ) WHo do you beLIEve

Jim wrote:

Betcha his capture will be announced about Oct. Bush needs all he can
get to be re elected (or should it be re-appointed?)

U.S. denies report of bin Laden’s capture
Iran radio claims al-Qaida leader caught ‘a long time ago’

Y'know, I never twigged to that possibility, until now.

Seems so obvious a chance, and it fits with the general glow I have
about this mess. Who me, untrusting? You?

I maintain that the most important issue up until a while back was
the "War on drugs", started to distract us from Ollie North, CIA,
American Airlines, Contra guns, etc.

I guess "We" won the war on drugs, it seems by displacing the
Noriagas and cartel kingpins with CIA or something moles who now
struggle to maintain cover and control over the really big money
involved, whilst distracting the public from their efforts to parlay
a few drug dollars into a big grab of the real money, oil.

It seems there is a need for the poobahs to keep public sensibility
reeling with "Issue overload" so we forget about the real issues:

Representation for taxation.

Government friends' graft and kickbacks, always a biggie.

Excessive emergency powers "War" spending, to the benefit and under
the control of the Military Industrial Complex Eisenhower warned us
about in '46.

Consequent inflation in areas not defined as "Core", making
infrastructure maintenance too costly to perform, along with
education and health care.

Manipulation of the "Free" market.

Erosion of freedom, for "Security" reasons. Who's security?
Security of what?

Illegal internment of anonymous possibly foreign opposition members
who know too much to bring to trial and allow to testify, not
because it would blow intelligence sources, but because it would
indict certain persons.

Well, there are too many other issues nagging my mind, so better to
just not trust anyone, eh?

Random jury selection type elections would be better than allowing
politicos to deal up the tripe we are supposed to be worried about,
while make binding electoral contracts with the candidates like:

Gay Marriage? My son is a marriage of me and my wife. Matrimonial
law is supposed to protect him from estate disputes if we divorce.
Matrimony is simply put, "A contract" which any persons of legal
age may define and enter into. Unless specifically laid out, most
matters are defined by common equity law.

Like religion, sexual issues generally are not the business of the
government administrative functionaries. Common law is defined, as
are all the words in the dictionary, "by the people." You can't
change a legal obligation by passing a law to redefine the meanings
of words accepted by consensus over the last 500 years. "IS" Means
"IS." "Sex" means "Reproduction", not "Masterbation."

International treaties, once imposed on vanquished nations, cannot
be casually ignored.

Oh, I could go on, but I get so angry thinking about it, I want to
take one foot of rope down to the government house, and wait for my
friends to show up with their pieces of rope so we can tie them
together until we have enough to hang the worst of the politicians.

Gee, just think; the latest issue for CNN:

"Here's a new way to describe the size of a protest: Protestors,
each bringing one foot of rope, have tied the pieces into 600 yards
of rope, obstensibly to hang the governor.

"Also, they have all brought cardboard cutout gun shaped protest
posters, tacked to baseball bats, and are piling the cutout signs on
the steps of the legislature, and are asking passers by if any one
of them has a match.

"Fortunately, it raining in the Capitol

"The protestors are "practicing their golf swings" with the bats on
the legislature lawn, leaving many divots, the holes are near 6 feet
deep in places.

"The secretive inner cabinet has left the country, and are hiding in
Canada, on some of the largest ranches know in the world. Latest
pictures show them with walking sticks in the hills"

Terry K