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Jonathan Ganz
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Default Jet Ski overheating problem

In article . com,
"jet skis" are actually NOT noisy anymore! Probably the quietest and
cleanest-running power boats being sold. And neither I, nor any of my

The vast majority are quite noisy.

Nope, certainly not the vast majority of the ones being manufactured
and sold now. They are dead quiet. My four-stroke, the loudest sound

Get real man.... most jetskis on the water right now are obnoxiously
loud. It's nice to know the new ones don't make so much noise and
don't pollute. I guess the 4-stroke is a new fangled engine.

I am a cruiser too,

Well, that's nice!

My point was that I have every right, not only that, but that it's
perfectly appropriate for me to be reading and posting here; your
previous post had tried to kick us pwc'ers out on the basis of the
newsgroup being for "cruisers."

I'm not trying to kick you out of anywhere on usenet. Why would I want
to do that? You're welcome to post your stuff for all to see. You're
certainly not, as a group, cruisers, but that's got nothing to do with
posting here.

Yes but the crucial point I was making and you seem to have missed
right there, is that there is that the problem is not, and not nearly,
all segments of the recreational boating world. So your prejudiced,
mean-spirited, ill-informed, stereotyping comments about pwc'ers ("the

I think they're highly accurate, since there's a much higher
percentage of noising, polluting jetskiers than there are sailboat
cruisers. Sounds to me like you're a bit sensitive when it comes to
jetski comments.

(although, nice word there,"seaborne," impressive!). (And once again,
I am so glad to note that I never get this feeling from actual fellow
boaters on the water, mainly just from usenet assholes, but I'm still
not going to let it stand.)

Ah, personal name calling. Come on, I'm sure you can think of
something worse to call me than an asshole. Like I said, among
sailboaters, PWC are generally known for being loud, obnoxious, and
pollution machines. I am going to let that stand.

Well, I haven't see just as many idiots on sailboats annoy the entire
harbor, nearly run over swimmer, disturb the natural habitat, pollute the
water, etc., as jetskiers.

...or as other power boaters besides "jetskiers," right? I already
have said that I think sailboaters are probably on average, more
skilled and better educated than power boaters simply because it takes
more effort, skill and experience to operate one in the first place.
But a special distinction just for pwc'ers is where you go wrong. We
are just power boaters, really the same as any other except that our
boats are smaller (and, maybe, more fun!).

And, I agree with you. I've been in many anchorages with both kinds of
craft.. power and sail. I prefer sailboats, but I've never had much of
a noise issue with powerboats in those areas. Once in a while, I've
gone over and asked them to turn off their engines after they've been
idling for a long time, and they've always been nice about
it... either did so or moved off.

Anyway, again, as with the "noise" issue, the fact is that
modern-generation pwc'ers (let's say for the last five years easily)
are among the cleanest-running and least-polluting powerboats on the
water. The technology has just skyrocketed, and the fuel efficiency is

What's that got to do with the ones currently on the water?? Nothing.

mine). Again your statements are just based on stereotypes and
outdated information and if you refuse to update your knowledge of the
situation, I'm gonna point out the falsehood of your statements about
it every chance I get.

Yeah sure... I guess that means anything over 1 week old is
outdated. Seems typical of the PWC mentality.

Some people don't seem to like 'em, it's true. BUT if you've been
paying any attention to developments over the last few years, you'd
know that the majority of pwc bans in national parks have been ROLLED
BACK and reversed over the last five years as the results of mandated
environmental impact studies have come in and shown that pwc's make no
more, and in many cases, less, noise, pollution and impact on wildlife
than that of other power boats.

Why would I want to do that? I have no plans to own one. Start talking
about the vast numbers that are not so new and pollute like hell.

Didn't you just contradict yourself here?

Not at all....I graciously conceded a point....I don't ignore reality
in my arguments. But my admitting to a potentially "slightly higher
percentage" of inexperienced operators on pwc's as compared to other
categories of boat, due to the factors I cited, doesn't validate or
vindicate your apparent broad sweeping indictments/dismissals of all
pwc users or the majority of them as being "morons" etc.

Ah, well, we're all very appreciative of your concessions.

"j" ganz @@