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Default Did You Pick the Wrong Boat?

H-m-m-m-m... shiny, wobbly and loaded with stink bait! :-).... I'll bite....

"Capt. Rob" wrote in message

1) Buy a boat like the 35s5 which will be able to sail in light air as
well as fresh breezes. While Mooron's boat sails okay in light air it's
hardly entertaining.

Heh Dude.... we can break out the cockpit tabe, sit eight and have a game
of poker in light air while the vessel sails herself and the crew plays
guitar, mouth harp and banjo. Now that's entertainment!!

2) Don't buy a boat for it's interior. There are boats with bigger
interiors than the 35s5, but all that volume won't be used 90% of the
time and performance with suffer.

Make certain the head is tiny... keeps out the fat chicks!

3) Choose a fractional rig like the 35s5. A fractional rig is more
tunable and often these boats will sail like big dinghies under the
main alone. Perfect for shorthanded sailing.

No way Man..... I don't like fractionals at all. I don't like fin keelers

4) Choose a boat that's FAST. Fast = fun and you can always
depower/reef your sails when you want to relax.

If you want fast... try a float plane or a unlimited class ocean racer with
big turbo diesels. Otherwise it's a difference of maybe 2 or 3 knots.

5) Choose a boat like the 35s5 for a large comfortable cockpit and
deckspace. You'll spend most of your time above deck.

Have a decent dodger and BTW - my cockpit is as big as yours. Can you lift
the cockpit sole, access your engine, strap a hoist to the boom and lift
your motor from the engine compartment and swing it neatly into the back of
a pick-up truck? I can.

6) Install air conditioning if you live in a hot climate. Sorry, but
it's not healthy to be inside a boat when it's 90 degrees. In fact
studies show that temperatures above 85 degrees impact breathing and
mental processes.

AC is the absolute worst thing for your health. It promotes colds and
impairs the body's ability to adjust to temperature changes. It's a very
lubberly thing Bob. I use proper ventilation and wind scoops. I have never
turned on an AC unit aboard even in the tropics for extended sails.

7) Be comfortable. A sailboat is a home away from home if you cruise or
weekend. It's not some excuse to prove you can suffer. Make it
comfortable for the crew and yourself. Working sailors have always
brought as much of their homes as possible.

If anyone tells you other than the above, they're probably frustrated
frauds who think a boat somehow makes them better people. An asshole
like Scotty Potty or Loco buy a boat and simply become assholes with
So choose your boat wisely as I did. The 35s5 is not just one of the
fastest boats here, it's also one of the best designs for performance
cruising and daysailing.

What exactly is "Performance Cruising"??? Seems like an oxymoron. I lived
aboard my boat for 9 years. My boat has comfortably accomodated 5 people for
4 weeks on an extended fishing trip. I know someone with a large family and
a 42 ft crab crusher used only for daysails and weekends. They are happy
with their boat. Working Sailors do not bring anything more than a duffel
bag aboard. An asshole with a boat was probably an asshole long before they
got a boat. You should keep that last comment in mind the next time you
post! :-)