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Default OT Local comment about Rosie O and high surf

(Henry Blackmoore) wrote in message news:xGW0c.15284

OH, yeah, that's just great! Kids are going to be sexually active,
anyway, anyhow. It's the nature of the beast. SO, what does a good
right wing person do? Why they take the protection away, so that these
innocent kids can get aids and die, or get pregnent or both. Way to
go! What a great way to show how morally responible you are.

yeah that's the ticket! and since kids are going to get beer and other types
of alcohol on their own no matter what then what not have parties at your
home every Friday and Saturday night and let them all get so stinkin' drunk
that they can't possible walk to a car let alone drive and we can have condoms
in candy dishes all over the place so they can .. and Catholic priests in
case any of the kids feel guilty and want to confess and professional tattoo
artists with autoclaves because kids will get tatoos on their own anyways and
we wouldn't want to take any protections away so that these innocent kids
can get hepatitis c and stuff and dies..... well uhh

yeah! Let's all become whacked out liberal ****heads!

pass the skunk weed...! phhhhhffffftttt.....


So, I take it that you don't have the mental capacity to differentiate
between sex, and drugs, tattoos, etc.? Not to worry, I'll inform you.
Sex is a basic, primal, animalistic URGE. Alcohol, drugs, and tatoos
are not. Our basic genetic make-up tells our bodies to have these
urges at puberty, when the species is at it's healthiest. Our bodies
are simply pre-disposed to become sexually active at puberty. Our
bodies are NOT however, pre-disposed to getting drunk, high, or stab
our bodies with ink soaked needles. So, maybe it's you conservatives
who are whacked out, and NEED to pass the skunk.