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Default Stanford boat design group?


It is all very interesting , all you need to do, is to make a Google
search with the words "Stanford University boat design" and a lot turn
up. But I still question if digital and math. will ever match the
skills and feel passed down from generations of boatbuilders working
from just the experience and feel about it.
You could go to Cyber-Boat at Yahoo and check some of the Longboat
designs that in the design is focused on the actural building of the
hull ,by offering digital options that proberly are more relevant for
amature boatbuilders ; realy what you want if you want to profit from
the math. as an amature boatbuilder , is not the trial calculations for
"the perfect boat" but a set of one to one plans , and if you realy
want a wonderfull design and you want to build it yourself, then one to
one unfolded planking and one to one plans for the building jig is
proberly much more interesting than the math.

--------- But please check Cyber-Boat that was there and on the web
with nice designs long before the academics ; when Cyber-Boat had a
tradisional homepage my counter told a lot of visitors from various
university's , and if you realise that Cyber-Boat Longboats displayed
these designs , long before other naval architects took up the idea
with that open back , --- well check the Longboat design and check
today's race sailboats and you will notis that when Cyber-Boat started
with this unique design the profesional race sail engines , showed a
very different design, today a lot of these huge vessels look more like
the early Cyber-Boat Longboats than anything else.
The only thing they now fail, are the smooth underwater lines of a real
Cyber-Boat , anyway I guess that academic boat designers can't start
from scratch, but "borrow" here and there. Still those of you who know
Cyber-Boat and the Cyber-Boat concept will reconise these facts --- you
simply can't calculate "the worlds best sailboat" , but now you know
that a decade before ,and at a time where the design trend you see in
Cyber-Boat longboats , you could see designs very simular today's race
engines, as Cyber-Boat designs. But as I said , with the focus on the
building process rather than on the water-flow theories ; reson ---
well allready back then my design concept was about experience and wet
surface and chaos theory.
Some of you proberly remember the old Cyber-Boat homepage.