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Brian Nystrom
Posts: n/a

Unfortunately, I just followed the directions on the bottle of Gorilla
Glue that really do not emphasize the required clamping. It may have
some applications but as it seems tricky to use, I will avoid it.

It's not tricky, you just need to understand how to use it. I can
understand your confusion if the bottle doesn't have adequate
directions. IIRC, the Elmer's poly' glue I use does specify how to use
it properly.

I lalso wonder if it is really "waterproof" since I seem to be seeing it
give up on prolonged saturation.

I use it on kayak paddles and frames that get wet whenever they're used.
It hasn't shown any tendency to fail.

W. Watt:
Your use of a light to spot voids is interesting.

That's standard procedure among people who use Lauan for boat building.
It's more or less a necessity, due to the prevalence of voids in the