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Curtis CCR
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Blazer Fan Dan wrote:
Dan wrote:
Tim wrote:
Amazing that people can't notice a fake sign on name, let alone a cheap
photoshop pic.

Are you talking about the picture of Bush giving the finger?

It's not a Photoshop.

If it's not a Photoshop, then Bush is from some alien planet. (Ok,
could be). That middle finger is about 40% too long! A careful
examination shows that in the original photo the middle finger was
curled inward at the 2nd & 3rd knuckles, and the rest of "the finger"
is scabbed on afterward.

actually, this is from a video from a news show, that Bush was doing
well before he was president. He might've been running for Gov of
Texas, I'm not sure. He thought the cameras weren't recording I guess,
and was flipping the bird to someone in the studio, iirc. As a joke.

I saw the video a while back. It was one of those things that was run
for a couple of days to embarras him. He was joking around with the
studio crew before and interview and flipped off the camera man for
about a half second. You could hear everyone in the studio laugh when
he did it.

No. It was not Photoshop, but I think it is about a dozen years old.