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"Armond Perretta"
Such planning can add considerable number of miles to each days

I think you meant to say "subtract" rather than add miles.

What I was meaning to say was "add considerable miles to a days run." .

I try to make anchorage, especially in a strange anchorage, in daylight
hours. If I have a favorable currents, I might continue another 20 miles to
a more distant anchorage.

I generally start in the early morning to catch a favorable tide. This
didn't make my crew very happy since he liked to sleep in and before I could
haul the anchor in, he had to move his bedding to open the chain locker
hatch. (this never kept him from going back to sleep after the anchor was on
deck). That's what you get when you invite a kid brother (53) along. Nothing
has changed since he sailed with me 40 years ago.

s/v Good Intentions