Thread: David Train ban
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Ewan Scott
Posts: n/a

It seems we still have a few lurkers reading even if they pretend to have
gone away.

Most other groups don't hold much interest for me, Keith.
Paddling does. My kids paddle. I paddle. I'm involved with flat water
competition paddling.
I know most of the people in charge of competition paddling in the UK. I

what they get up to. I don't like what I see.
I don't like the way money from outside has corrupted our sport. The money
has become the focus rather than the participants.
I don't like child abuse, especially in sports my kids are involved with,
being covered up and effectively condoned.

I lurk at several other groups, mainly transport related, but rarely post
anything as I don't have the involvement or the inclination.

To address your actual complaint; I'm very busy with work ATM, but if you
let me know which groups you hang out at, I may see what I can do for you.

I think that you would have to try very hard to exceed the vitriole that has
arisen from time to time on uk.rec.scouting, and it still thrives :-)

Ewan Scott