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NOYB wrote:
Turkey was agraid that allowing US troops to pass from Turkish soil into
Iraq would cause a terrorist backlash within their own borders. It was
fear, not failed diplomacy, that caused the Turks to withdraw their support.

Malarkey. Can you point to one single source which claims this, even a
right-wing bull**** blog?

The Turks wanted assurances that we would not set up an independent Kurd
state, because of the large nationalist Kurd population within Turkey.
This would also be in US interest because a Kurdish state would almost
certainly become a Muslim fundie terrorist sponsor.

There were a few other minor problems, but that was their main gripe. So
why didn't the Bush/Cheney Administration act intelligently?

Instead, we anger them to curry favor with the Kurds, who hate us and are
going to remain more friendly towards Al-Queda no matter what we do.

Better do some more research there, because you've just made a profoundly
dumb and inaccurate statement.

I guess you're the expert on dumb & inaccurate statements.

... *Most* Kurds are Shafiite Sunnis, and were
battling al Zarqawi's fundamentalist Ansar al-Islam group right before, and
early on in the March 2003 US invasion.

Baloney. If Al-Zarqawi was anywhere in Iraq before the invasion, he was
in Kurdistan helping them battle Saddam... partly because we'd failed to
help them before, which is why they hate us. They were also accepting
arms & training from Hamas.

But hey, let's ignore the facts. You've been doing it for a long time
now, no reason to change.

Syrian troops 'fired on by US forces'
From correspondents in Damascus, Syria
July 22, 2005
SYRIA said today its border troops had been fired on by US and Iraqi forces
and accused Washington, London and Baghdad of lack of cooperation in
preventing insurgents infiltrating into Iraq.,00.html

Don't you wonder why *your* news sources don't report on these things?

They probably do, and I don't watch closely enough. Unlike you, I have a
life. But you've claimed we can & might invade Syria... the Syrians
don't believe it, nor does the U.S. Army, nor do I... and shooting at a
couple of border patrols don't back up your claim.

I wonder why *your* news sources fail to back up your claims that the
majority of the insurgency in Iraq is foreign? I wonder why your news
sources fail to mention the ongoing Halliburton half-billion $$ rip-off?
I wonder why your news sources fail to mention the lack of a connection
between Saddam & Sept 11th, even though President Bush has said himself
there is none? Ditto the pulling of troops away from the hunt for Bin
Laden, which Bush also admitted in his own words. I wonder why your news
sources twist economic figures and hide the Bush/Cheney Administration's
lies on that front? Don't your news sources report international
terrorism, and the FACT that the Bush/Cheney Administration squelched
reports on how it's growing (ie they're failing). Etc etc etc.

One wonders just how wrong you can be. So far, you keep right on
digging. This is why I believe that you're actually a radical leftist,
probably Trotskyite, intent on discrediting the American "conservative"