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Geoff Schultz
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Nomen Nescio ] wrote in

Geoff Schultz writes:

mickey wrote:

Weather Underground also has it available he

Also, BoatUS has an article about it:

These two web sites provide a much better background than
the prior discussions in this forum did. There was too much
name calling and not enough discussion on the facts. I
strongly suggest that people read them and understand them.

Most importantly make sure that you write your senators.
I just did.

This might seem naive, but could you suggest a good letter
form that might be sent to my senators? I don't have the first
idea how to write a letter that they won't just toss.

FWIW, they're both Repugs, and they are probably in the pocket
of the commercial entities that seem to be pushing this bill.

Here's what I just sent:

I am writing about SB 786: "National Weather Services Duties Act of
2005'" which I consider to be absolutely rediculious. This bill would
prohibit the dissemination of weather forecasts and charts by the
National Weather Service to the public. They would still provide this
information to private companies for dissemination for a fee.

I am a cruiser who spends 6-7 months per year in the Caribbean. I, and
the vast majority of other cruisers in the US and elsewhere, rely on
these forecasts by the NWS which are transmitted via VHF, radio faxes
and the Internet. While cruising there are no other sources for this
information with paying for costly new equipment, per minute connection
charges via satellite, and monthly subscription fees to private weather
prediction services. Local weather forecasts do not begin to provide
the level of detail necessary to safely plan passages. The loss of this
service would greatly endanger many people and boats.

I can not fathom why anyone would support this bill, unless they're in
the pocket of some company who would benefit from the NWS being
prohibited from disseminating these forecasts. I strongly suggest that
Senator _____________ vote against this bill.

Thank you for your time regarding this matter.