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Wise Man
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Gossip is sometimes referred to as halitosis of the mind.
- Wise Man

"Gossip needn't be false to be evil - there's a lot of truth that
shouldn't be passed around." - Frank Clark


"Peggie Hall" gossiped...

| Larry, here's what I've picked up from postings on a web discussion site
| on which I'm a forum the order in which they were posted:
| " I recieved an email from Sam back in December when the change at
| SailNet took place, He wanted to explain why he and Cheryl were leaving
| SailNet, yesterday I sent an email to them and here is Cheryl's responce
| to me. I'm sure she won't mind the posting.
| Ken,
| SN was not sold. We had outside investors who exercised their majority
| control to replace both Sam and I. Since then we've had no involvement
| with SN. If you're a member of the community then I would suggest moving
| over to SJ as a precaution. Outward appearances at SN do not look good
| and it seems they may be closing up shop."
| (The reference to "SJ" is the Boyle's new site, "Sail Jazz:"
| )
| That post was followed closely by this reply:
| " For those of you who think that Sailnet went sour after Sam and Cheryl
| left you're dead wrong. They were never able to get control of the
| company from the start. They spent millions (literally...almost 20) of
| dollars in private venture capital, cooked the books almost every month
| and left the company in the dumps when the main venture investors
| finally figured it out and gave them the boot. They both face
| embezzelment (sp?) charges as we speak. The new guy they brought into
| run it lacks interest and passion and the staff (or what's left of them
| after the yearly round of layoffs) think he's a giant ass.
| As far as contacting customer service, there isn't one. They were all
| laid off and now the one (maybe two) remaining salesmen are in charge of
| every interaction with customers from all over the world. It's just too
| much to handle.
| "I'm pretty positive they are heading towards liquidation with the
| exception of Airforce Sails which is a very professionally run outfit
| with two VERY competent guys who wish they were NOT part of the Sailnet
| name.
| "All in all, Sailnet's problems stem directly from the leadership
| deficiency which started with Sam and Cheryl...all the employees are
| good guys and gals with little or no incentive to wake up and drive to
| the office every morning."
| And then this:
| " Heard they shut the doors on Fri. Laid everyone off and went bankrupt.
| Wonder what they're doing with leftover inventory????????"
| Before anyone replies to this with any questions OR comments, I'm ONLY
| the messenger! And ALL I know is what I've just copy/pasted here from
| others whose info may or may not be reliable. So don't ask me any
| questions...I don't know any more!
| I did go their "store" site, though...EVERYthing seems to be at "fire
| sale" price. I checked out a few categories...the first was "heads and
| head accessories" of course. The only products shown were a SeaLand
| portapotty and SeaLand tank chemicals. And other categories were equally
| "thin."
| So Larry, your assignment--if you choose to accept it--is to find out
| whether Sailnet has gone belly up or is still in business...whether, if
| the "store" is closing, whether the site including all the email lists
| will continue. The Boyles have obviously put up a site to to either
| compete with it or replace it...which will it be?