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Peggie Hall
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Larry, here's what I've picked up from postings on a web discussion site
on which I'm a forum the order in which they were posted:

" I recieved an email from Sam back in December when the change at
SailNet took place, He wanted to explain why he and Cheryl were leaving
SailNet, yesterday I sent an email to them and here is Cheryl's responce
to me. I'm sure she won't mind the posting.


SN was not sold. We had outside investors who exercised their majority
control to replace both Sam and I. Since then we've had no involvement
with SN. If you're a member of the community then I would suggest moving
over to SJ as a precaution. Outward appearances at SN do not look good
and it seems they may be closing up shop."

(The reference to "SJ" is the Boyle's new site, "Sail Jazz:" )

That post was followed closely by this reply:

" For those of you who think that Sailnet went sour after Sam and Cheryl
left you're dead wrong. They were never able to get control of the
company from the start. They spent millions (literally...almost 20) of
dollars in private venture capital, cooked the books almost every month
and left the company in the dumps when the main venture investors
finally figured it out and gave them the boot. They both face
embezzelment (sp?) charges as we speak. The new guy they brought into
run it lacks interest and passion and the staff (or what's left of them
after the yearly round of layoffs) think he's a giant ass.
As far as contacting customer service, there isn't one. They were all
laid off and now the one (maybe two) remaining salesmen are in charge of
every interaction with customers from all over the world. It's just too
much to handle.

"I'm pretty positive they are heading towards liquidation with the
exception of Airforce Sails which is a very professionally run outfit
with two VERY competent guys who wish they were NOT part of the Sailnet

"All in all, Sailnet's problems stem directly from the leadership
deficiency which started with Sam and Cheryl...all the employees are
good guys and gals with little or no incentive to wake up and drive to
the office every morning."

And then this:

" Heard they shut the doors on Fri. Laid everyone off and went bankrupt.
Wonder what they're doing with leftover inventory????????"

Before anyone replies to this with any questions OR comments, I'm ONLY
the messenger! And ALL I know is what I've just copy/pasted here from
others whose info may or may not be reliable. So don't ask me any
questions...I don't know any more!

I did go their "store" site, though...EVERYthing seems to be at "fire
sale" price. I checked out a few categories...the first was "heads and
head accessories" of course. The only products shown were a SeaLand
portapotty and SeaLand tank chemicals. And other categories were equally

So Larry, your assignment--if you choose to accept it--is to find out
whether Sailnet has gone belly up or is still in business...whether, if
the "store" is closing, whether the site including all the email lists
will continue. The Boyles have obviously put up a site to to either
compete with it or replace it...which will it be?

Peggie Hall
Specializing in marine sanitation since 1987
Author "Get Rid of Boat Odors - A Guide To Marine Sanitation Systems and
Other Sources of Aggravation and Odor"