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*JimH* wrote:
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*JimH* wrote:
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Global Warmin' Is Fer Idjuts
Exxon writes America's energy policy, BushCo chops up emissions
reports. Is there any hope at all?
By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist

Friday, June 10, 2005

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Mark Morford
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Who is this guy?


" Mark Morford is a columnist and editor for He is also a
teacher and fiction writer..."

'Nuff said. ;-)

And that makes him automatically wrong in your eyes, Jim? Even the
facts that he re-wrote?

What *facts* are those Kevin?

I'm not Kevin, BUT if you would read the article, it's FULL of FACTS...
Now, I still want to know, what part of Morford's life makes you think
that he's automatically not credible? Because he writes fiction, does
that mean that he also can't be a credible reporter? Because he works
for sfgate means he can't be a credible reporter? Because he's a yoga
teacher? Are you running a contest with NOYB to see who can be the most
narrow minded?

Fact: Bush's decision not to sign the Kyoto Treaty, the landmark
environmental policy signed by 122 other
nations to reduce greenhouse emissions, was influenced not at all by
sound science or serious concern for the planet, but by pressure put on

him by his pals at ExxonMobil and other major oil corporations.

Fact: The man who butchered documents pertaining to global warming was
Philip Cooney, and he has zero scientific training
whatsoever and was formerly the "climate-team leader" (read: top flying

monkey) and a lobbyist at the American Petroleum Institute, the largest

trade group representing the oil industry. He is now chief of staff for

the White House Council on Environmental Quality, the group that helps
devise and set the nation's environmental agenda; Cooney's cuts and
edits of scientific emissions and global warming reports often made it
into final White House policy.

Fact: They lie about why a gay male model and former prostitute who ran
porn Web sites was allowed to pose as a partisan hack reporter in White

House press briefings for over two years, allowed to ask softball
questions of the president and the press secretary and allowed to sleep

overnight in the White House.

Fact: And of course, most impressively, BushCo lied about WMDs, about
we're at war, about why we're dumping $5 billion along with dozens of
dead U.S. soldiers and thousands of wounded per month into the Iraq
quagmire (total cost: over $175 billion, and counting -- fast) when our

own economy is gutted and the dollar is at a desperate low and the
deficit is at an all-time high and our education and health care
systems are crumbling and we are, as a nation, essentially running on

Fact: There stand 132 U.S. mayors from all over the nation,
including many Republicans and including some from Texas and including
Bloomberg from New York, who have bucked the general vicious BushCo
idiocy regarding global warming and have agreed to carry out the Kyoto
Protocol rules in their own cities, on their own. Seattle, for one, is
poised to become, by the end of this year, the only city in the nation
whose municipal energy utility produces zero net emissions of
greenhouse gases.

Fact: The national scientific academies of all G8 nations,
plus those of the three developing countries that consume the most oil
on the planet -- China, India and Brazil -- making an unprecedented
political gesture by signing a common letter declaring that a plan to
address global warming must be put into action immediately, if not

Fact: Even some of BushCo's more rabid followers, even some hardcore
evangelical Christians, those intelligent few not wrapped up in the
nutball Rapture Index and who therefore don't believe it's our
God-given duty to ravage the planet and burn through all the resources
as fast as possible so as to hasten the arrival of a really ****ed-off,

homophobic Christ, even some powerful evangelicals are urging Bush to
get on the global warming issue ASAP, as, according to the Bible, we
are supposed to be good stewards of the Earth, not its destroyers.