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Capt. NealŪ
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Ran aground, couldnt power off, tide rising so I'm ok, just settin
reading the paper waitin. 20' power boat comes by, offers help, I
explain bout the tide, he insists his boat can pull me off. I foolishly
agree just to shut him up. Tie a 1/2" nylon line to my bow cleats,
before I can say anything, he gets a running start and cannot hear me
yelling for him to stop. He takes off, line goes taut, he seems to
stop dead as part of his transom tears off and then flies in a
beautiful arc over my bow to splash in the water behind me, bummer.
Instead of sinking, he manages to beach his boat about 50' away and
walks back to his truck. Should I offer him any compensation at all?
I did offer to give him some fiberglass cloth and resin.

Claim the chunk of transom hit you about the head and shoulders
as it flew by and sue his idiotic butt for damages and pain and