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Having repaired windsurfers and built a boat, your question is easy.
Fixing the transducer holes is as easy as patching a hole in your wall
to paint. Get yourself some two part epoxy from Tap Plastics or check
out Jamestown distributers on line.

Prepare the holes by sanding anything loose away and then mix a little
bit of epoxy and add something to make it like a loose puddy. This can
be very fine sawdust, fiberglass dust from sanding your boat or glass
microballoons that you can buy at Tap Plastics or Jamestown or where
ever. You will need about twice as much of the thickening agent as
epoxy. Now push this into the holes and wait for it to dry. Now, sand
and add a second coat to get a smooth even finish. It will take a day
to two days to dry and a two weeks till you can paint.

OR!!! Marine Tex is a great product and you can have the holes fixed
and painted in two days. It will work fine unless you need to repair a
a large area that needs a more structual repair, then your back to the
epoxy and fiberglass cloth.
On Thu, 28 Apr 2005 04:20:08 GMT, "Dave"

I have a 1983 Bayliner, fiberglass. In the engine room there are 2
transducers with the wires cut at the top, are not being used. I am pulling
the boat to paint the bottom and IO. Is it a good idea to pull the
transducers out and plug holes?

If so how much time will it take for me to do it and how to do it?

Where can I get CLEAR information?

Thank you!