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Peggie Hall
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Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen wrote:
Strange. By their own words, they definitely do elctrolysis of sodium
chloride (snipped from raritan web site):

My knowledge of chemistry is definitely that of a layman...Yes, sea
water IS a sodium chloride solution...but I don't think I was too far
off when I said the L/S creates hypochlorous acid by charging the ions
in salt water with electrical current:

"NaOCl + H2O -- NaOH + HOCl Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is formed when
sodium hypochlorite reacts with water."

But what I THINK you're missing is...the Lectra/San is not a "cell" to
which current is continuously applied and from which treated waste is
discharged while that's happening. The L/S is only a two-chambered
container of salt water and waste to which current is applied for only 2
minutes after each toilet flush...during which time waste is NOT
discharged--it only discharges when new incoming waste from the toilet
into the first chamber displaces an equal amount of treated waste from
the second which time the solution has reverted to sea
water again as described in the last step of the process: "HCl + NaOH
-- H2O + NaCl The hydrochloric acid reacts with the sodium hydroxide to
form salt and water" (again). And a bit you neglected to include: "The
hydrogen formed at the cathode bubbles off into the atmosphere. The
water and salt by-products are eventually discharged into the receiving

So as I understand it, other than the amount of voltage, what happens in
a Lectra/San--and its impact on the environment--is really no different
from what happens in the immediate surrounding waters when a lightning
strike hits the ocean...both are very temporary.

Peggie Hall
Specializing in marine sanitation since 1987
Author "Get Rid of Boat Odors - A Guide To Marine Sanitation Systems and
Other Sources of Aggravation and Odor"