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Brian says:
Paddling a tandem solo is generally a bad idea, as it can become
completely uncontrollable in any significant wind and waves, due to
weight distribution.

Are there any recommendations then about adding weight, distributing

appropriately, and ensuring that it doesn't shift?


Simple enough. put your stuff in the front hatch or fill it with juggs
of water , put a spray cover or cockpit cover over the forward combing
and paddle away. The boat is heavy, long and kind of slow with one
paddler. Don't go out in 50 MPH winds and you should be fine.
Even if you put nothing up front you will be OK. I have paddled these
things a fair bit. ( I hate them , they are not my Capella or Explorer
). but it will work.
Anyone wanting to sell a single should get the posters address, he will
be after a single soon.
There are some great expeditions done with double kayaks paddled by a
lone paddler needing more carrying capacity.
You will want wheels for that monster. it is 100 lbs or close enough.
Good Luck

The only time I have seen someone paddle single in tandems, he sat in the
FRONT cockpit. He said that it was easier to 'drag' the rest of the boat
behind him and maneuver through rocks, currents, etc, than it was to 'push'
the front of the boat through turns.

YMMV, I'm an openboater. I sit in the middle.
