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Larry W4CSC
Posts: n/a

Wayne.B wrote in
I have 30 amp 240 on the boat, send it to me for testing. :-)

That would work if we didn't turn the drive up to far...(c;

60A service would be more comfortable, though.

It'll run 6200V at around 950ma at full power. My math is a little fuzzy.
That's about a kilowatt, isn't it? The pole pig hooked up backwards for
the plate supply is quite noisy at this level. I took a piece of melted
RG-8A/U about a foot long to a ham club meeting. It doesn't melt RG-17.

All in good fun....back in the 60's a whole bunch of us kept building the
monster 4-1000 linears because the tubes/sockets/chimneys were free. When
10 meters was as dead as a doorknob, before 2 meter repeaters, we used to
fire them up into the Mosley beams and sit around chewing the rag late at
night across town (Sumter, SC, pop about 25000). There was no low-end VHF
TV to worry about tearing up. One night in the dead band we had a breaker
from Perth, Australia, the only other person we heard across the band. He
claimed we were all echoing like mad and 20 over S9. He had a little echo,
himself, at 250 watts. We had a great time working him and the hams he'd
called locally after first working us. The band wasn't dead, after all,
just abandoned.

By the way, in SC we have an unwritten ham radio rule. IF there's some
kind of official or unofficial net, net control stations are never allowed
to run enough power to actually hear them without straining. I never
figured that out but it's been that way since I came here as WB4THE back in
the mid 60's. Go figure....